Who We Are

ALM provides state of the art diagnostic services in these areas

1. Nuclear Cardiology
2. Ultrasound
3. Stress Testing
4. NCV - Nerve Conduction Velocity Testing
5. Allergy Testing
6. Holter Monitoring
7. Genetic Testing
8. ANSAR - Autonomic Nervous System Test

Our objective is to maintain the leadership position in establishment of hospitals, medical diagnostic services and other healthcare services by providing programs that exceed the expectations of our customers.

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Why Choose Us


Work Smart. Hire Smart
Board Certified & Well Experienced Doctors & Technologist.


Quality service to Clients
We endeavor to meet our clients needs in the most cost effective manner possible and are dedicated to our client?s satisfaction.


Types of Facilities We Assist
ALM has assisted the various types of facilities in the U.S. with their staffing


Turn Key
Specializing in Hospital, Clinic Setup & Diagnostic Centers